Test 1. Has a gender analysis been conducted as part of the design of migration policy in your organization? Yes No I don't know That’s great! Do you know at what stage(s) the gender analysis was conducted? Have the results of the exercise been documented and made available to all who are working to implement, monitor and evaluate the policy?Most countries have committed to mainstreaming gender considerations in policy design following the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995). Do you know who is in charge of gender mainstreaming in your country? Could you identify someone with expertise in gender and migration to assist with this analysis?Most countries have committed to mainstreaming gender considerations in policy design following the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995). Sometimes gender analysis is conducted, but not documented. Can you think of how or where to find this information? Do you know who is in charge of gender mainstreaming in your country? Is there a gender focal point in the ministry or department(s) in charge of migration?PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.